Sun Space Solar

Turn up the brightness, turn up the solar power!

Join the reEvolution

Solar clean energy for
the future of mankind

vision for the future

about our philosophy

Clean energy is going to be a prerequisite in future and solar power will make it possible. Sun,the enormous source possessing immeasurable energy,is seen as the foremost power resource on earth. This is the reason most people are turning towards solar panels for their power requirement and are turning down all other sources. 

Having realized the potential of solar energy, they are now ready to invest heavily on solar panel installation. Sun Space Solar, is meeting their demand through it comprehensive range of solar panel systems.

Put precisely, we are fostering the solar power revolution with sustainable solar solutions and simplifying the life of the people in many ways.


To create innovation in alternate energy & test solutions and provide services beyond customer expectations.


Promote Renewable Energy until it becomes the largest contributor to our National Energy Production.


Solar technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy either through photovoltaic panels or through mirrors that concentrate solar radiation.

What We Build

The energy & technology we'll need for the future

Solar Photovoltaic

Solar photovoltaic (PV) generation is the process of converting sunlight into electricity using solar panels. PV systems can be grid-connected or off-grid.

Consumer Solar Solutions

We offer numerous types of solar power systems that cater to both residential and commercial sectors



Youth Education Programs

Students & technicians learn a solid foundation to solar electric fundamentals online. Learn about common solar applications, electrical basics, wiring PV circuits, & more.

CEO strategy

Our Scientific vision of energy sources

Solar power is an immense source of directly useable energy and ultimately creates other energy resources: biomass, wind, hydropower and wave energy.Solar energy can be used for many of the everyday needs, including electrical power, heating and cooling, water heating, industrial process heat, cooking, transportation, fuel production and even environmental clean-up.The Future of Solar Energy considers only the two widely recognized classes of technologies for converting solar energy into electricity — photovoltaics (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP), sometimes called solar thermal — in their current and plausible future forms.

Solar Engineers research, design, and develop new products, or they may work in testing, production, or maintenance. They may collect and manage data to help design solar systems.
sajid umair
Sajid Umair

Clean Energy

Clean energy works by producing power without having negative environmental impacts.

Project Assistance

We unlock markets. We seek to expand sustainable energy, thereby mitigating climate change.

Action Research

An action research into a hands-on solar energy activity, adapted to enhance students’ understanding of selected physics concepts and to advance their awareness of renewable energy.

Long-term Planning

The long term system produces energy through aerobic (with oxygen) pathways. This system is dominant at lower intensities and efforts lasting longer than 2 to 3 minutes.

Our solutions

energetic services & Solutions

Solar technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy either through photovoltaic (PV) panels or through mirrors that concentrate solar radiation. This energy can be used to generate electricity or be stored in batteries or thermal storage.

clean tech

Investing in Solar power & clean energy

Solar panels are a good investment for many Pak households, especially those with ample sunshine and high utility rates. Going solar can lead to hundreds of thousands in energy savings over the 25-year lifespan of a system and can increase your home value.

cost reduction
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more power
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Cleaner energy
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Grow with Sun Space Solar


installation & project development

Before you make the decision to actually install solar panels, it’s important to understand your own energy needs and determine if your home is a good fit for solar.

Project development follows the 5 stages of any project: initiation, planning, execution, control, and closing.
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For Controling Your Energy Production

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